This article will assist in creating your own calendar subscription to the events taking place at RGS Worcester, RGS Springfield, RGS The Grange or RGS Dodderhill.
Please note these screen shots are taken from a web browser. They are intended as a guide, this process can also be carried put on a mobile phone or tablet. Whilst the process is the same, the images you see may be slightly different depending on the device type and screen size.
Step 1: Login to the RGSW Parent Portal -
Select the My Calendar icon.
Step 2: By default, the Full calendar is selected. This includes all events from all four RGS schools. To customise the events that you subscribe to, Click Add Calendar.
On the General Settings page, enter a calendar name and if required, choose a colour.
Step 3: At this stage you have the choice of how you wish to filter the calendar.
The choices are:
Schools and Years
This top level filter allows you to choose a school or schools you wish to subscribe to. The filter can be narrowed down further to calendar entries for each year group at each school.
You may wish to filter to simply display calendar entries for the Term dates or for a particular sport such as Badminton.
Please note: To narrow the selection, you may wish to first of all choose the school from the Schools and Years section prior to choosing the category.
If you wish to subscribe to fixtures for a particular team such as the Girls U13 Cricket.
Please note: You can choose multiple teams at this stage.
In this example I have chosen Year 1 at RGS The Grange.
Once your selections have been made, select Done. You will return to the calendar page displaying the filtered calendar that you have chosen.
Step 4: To add this calendar to your device, Select Subscribe & Exports. If you are configuring this on the device you wish to view the calendar app on, selecting the Default Calendar App option will automatically launch the calendar app on your device and add the calendar.
Please note:
As new events are added or amended to the categories that you have filtered, this will be reflected automatically in your calendar.
Multiple custom calendars can be created. Once you have completed Step 4, simply repeat the steps.
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